GSO Test

GSO Test

Manor Mead Uniform

We expect all children from Reception upwards to wear Manor Mead School uniform to school.

Wearing school uniform helps the children to understand that it is a school day and makes them part of the school community. 

Blue sweatshirts and white or blue t-shirts or polo-shirts with the Manor Mead logo are available to order using the link below: Black trousers/joggers or skirts are worn with the school polo shirts and sweatshirts. - sign in/register
Enter postcode TW17 8EL or school name 


Alternatively, you can request an order form from the school office.

Pre-loved uniform

The F.O.M.M  organise the sale of pre-loved uniform and you can enquire about any items that you need via

Pre-loved School logo sweatshirts and polo tops can be donated via the main office.